5 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been popular since ancient times for a reason: It makes people feel better. What’s more, in recent years, patients undergoing the procedure to treat health concerns have often noticed that their looks have benefited, too—leading to a rise in “acupuncture facials” that combine whole-body rebalancing with targeted needle stimulation (and, sometimes, spa-like add-ons) […]

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body—most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. It is one of the practices used in traditional Chinese medicine. What the Science Says About the Effectiveness of Acupuncture Results from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain […]

Visiting an acupuncture practitioner

Does acupuncture hurt? The needles used in acupuncture are so fine that many people feel nothing during the insertion. People often describe the overall sensation as a tingling or a mild ache in the muscles. The tingling sensation is thought to be the redirection of the qi. Many people say that during the treatment they […]

The benefits of acupuncture

Research continues to look into the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment option. While there is scientific evidence that it can benefit a number of health conditions, many believe more research needs to be done. Reviews carried out by The Cochrane Collaboration found evidence that acupuncture may be effective in treating conditions such as: migraines […]

What is acupuncture?

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that has existed as part of traditional Chinese medicine for many years. There are some misconceptions surrounding the topic of acupuncture and debate surrounding its role as a medical treatment. However, the past 30 years has seen a growing body of research firmly establish acupuncture as a […]