International Organisation of Integrated Health Practitioners

International Organisation of Integrated Health Care is keen to bring all the disciplines of medicine and holistic health care together for best patient care ​

Integrated holistic medicine is the future of health care and although not believed by many, there is increasing inclination for integration and our efforts are making more medical as well as other disciplines to come together and work together to help the mankind.  We know that sometimes there is a challenge to the validity of some disciplines or approaches to health care, and not all of them compatible; some are scientific and some aren’t  unscientific. We however should think of getting the best possible evidence and share it with the clients, and let them decide what works best for them. International Oganisation of Integrated Health Practitioners (IOIHP) is keen on combining the health practitioners from modern medicine as well as alternative and complementary medicine to progress the agenda of best medical care.

There is increasing recognition that no one branch or discipline of the health care is complete to provide the cure for human beings.

Holistic health care is thus address at the whole person—his body, mind, emotions, and environment—rather than at an isolated function or organ and which promotes the use of a wide range of health practices and therapies.

Western medicine or allopathy has good scientific basis and is trusted by almost all for acute emergencies, however there is limitation for cure of chronic conditions like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, fibromyalgia  etc and most medicines are given to control or suppress symptoms. Many other disciplines of medicine or health care commonly called complementary or alternative medicine may offer better holistic management.  have

Although no one says to completely ignore Western medical practices, there is suggestion for openness and embracing others that can help and complement. At times ther are other modes which are helpful or people believe they are helpful, the person or patients should thus have a choice and we believe there is a role of western medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy, osteopathy, naturopathy, dietary supplements, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology etc.

Mission Statement: “At IOIHP, we are dedicated to bridging traditional healing wisdom with modern medical practices, promoting an integrative approach to healthcare that caters to the whole person — mind, body, and spirit. Our mission is to integrate modern medicine with complementary and alternative medicine. We aim to empower individuals with knowledge, resources, and community support to achieve optimal well-being.”

Vision: “We envision a world where holistic and integrated health practices are accessible and valued by all, playing a foundational role in global healthcare systems, ensuring a balanced, comprehensive approach to well-being.”

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