Herbal medicine for low back pain: a Cochrane review

We know that low back pain is a common condition and a substantial economic burden in industrialized societies. A large proportion of patients with chronic low back pain use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and/or visit CAM practitioners. Several herbal medicines have been purported for use in low back pain. Based on the conclusion from […]
General practitioners, complementary therapies and evidence-based medicine: the defence of clinical autonomy

Mindfulness meditation training lowers biomarkers of stress response in anxiety disorder
Yoga may have health benefits for people with chronic non-specific lower back pain
The Influence of Yoga-Based Programs on Risk Profiles in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Yoga Reduces Fatigue In Multiple Sclerosis Patients, OHSU Study Findings
Yoga may have health benefits for people with asthma Cochrane Review
Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the research evidence
Omega-3 as a Remedy?
Men with high blood levels of DHA – a type of omega-3 found in fatty fish – which would normally be associated with positive health benefits – especially when it comes to heart health – have been found to be far, far, more likely to be at risk of developing “aggressive, high-grade” prostate cancer than […]